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Floreana - Island of Mysteries

Located about fifty miles off the southern coast of Isabela, Floreana (or Isla Santa Maria) has the smallest population of the four inhabited Galapagos Islands, with just over 100 residents. Beginning in the 19th century, Floreana has been continuously inhabited by whalers, pirates and settlers, drawn to the tiny island by its natural water source and lush green season.

Galápagos Guests: Your Donations Count

The International Galápagos Tour Operators Association is an organization ROW partners with in South America that is dedicated to the conservation of the islands along with responsible tour operating. 

JAWS - Hollywood vs Reality

Sharks get a bad rap. I blame Hollywood. There are less than 20 shark attacks in the US per year (according to National Geographic). In 1996, 2,600 Americans were injured by room fresheners. ROOM FRESHENERS. 

Puppies of the Sea (A Mermaid Fantasy Come True)

When I was 5, I fell off a chair at a family dinner (because I was being too wiggly) and broke my collar bone. I don’t remember a whole lot about the experience but I do remember that I got a lot of life saver gummy candy, coloring books, and my favorite uncle sent me The Little Mermaid on VHS. (I still have it.)

Treat Yourself: Resolve to Go On a Fit-cation this Year

In the new year, many of us make resolutions to lead a healthier lifestyle. One aspect of a healthy lifestyle is exploration and adventure, thus satisfying the mind and body. Add a little adventure travel to your life, and you're sure to feel healthier all around. So this year, treat yourself to a fit-cation!

Where in the World is Peter Grubb? 2014 Edition

In mid-December I was heading out the door for a one day trip to Boise, Idaho for the annual Idaho Outfitters & Guides Association meeting.  Betsy, my wife of 30 years, asked me “How many nights do you think you’ve been gone this year?” “Maybe about 70-80?” I responded.